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Total Gifts:

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Thomas Preston's tribute page:

Sidney D Preston

Total Number of Gifts: 10
Total Value of Gifts: $755.00

Recent Donors

Bob and Carmen Shively


Steve & Ali


Myron & Christy

Sidney D. Preston

Brian & Susie Kleve


Sid Preston

Sid Preston

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Sid Preston passed away 24 days short of celebrating his 75th wedding anniversary to his loving wife Shirley. Shirley has suffered from Dementia for several years and is currently in a memory care facility. There is no cure for this awful disease and we hope and pray that one day families won't have to watch as their loved one battles this disease. It was very hard for Sid to watch his wife lose her most cherished memories and some days not even know who he was. He would have given anything to not have her suffer. In memory of Sid and to honor the almost 75 years with his bride Shirley, we've set up this memorial fund on his behalf in hopes that it can help other families.

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