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Aaron Shaw's tribute page:

Monica Diane Shaw

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $1,370.00

Recent Donors

Domonique Williams


Tabious Page/RIghtPage Consulting

Kenneth Davidson

Maura Tull

Isaac Washington

Marisa Mikals

Sandi McGill

Ronnie Bradford

Embree Family

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Monica was a loving mother, loyal friend, and mentor to many young people throughout her life. She was born in Kansas but lived the majority of her adult life in Colorado where she married and raised one child. Monica always enjoyed life to the fullest and spent the majority of her time helping others and fighting for the less fortunate by donating her time to charitable causes, and always standing up for what's right. Monica developed early onset dementia at the young age of 56, however, she fought this disease for 17 years, and during this time she continued to dance and enjoy life by helping others until the disease took those abilities away. Monica was loved and treasured by many, and she will be forever missed and never forgotten.

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