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Total Gifts:

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Andrew Sirasky's tribute page:

Kathy Sirasky Memorial

Total Number of Gifts: 15
Total Value of Gifts: $1,070.00

Recent Donors

Dale & Shan Kihlman

Cary Patton-Hanosek

Mary M. Antes

Grace Church

Kristofco Family

The Wallaces

Jill and Jeff Weaver

Jim & Carolyn Bode

Pat Perry

Kathleen Sirasky

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Kathy was a Christian wife, mother and nana who loved music, quilting and all things chocolate. She was a baker, swimmer and dog-lover who spoiled her grandchildren and always made time for a daily walk. She was a teacher and piano player who passed her love of music on to her own children. She never hesitated to open her heart and home to those in need. Please help us remember Kathy by donating to the fight against Alzheimer's.

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