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Total Gifts:

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Kevin Cox's tribute page:

Walter J Cox III

Total Number of Gifts: 10
Total Value of Gifts: $705.00

Recent Donors

Walter Cox

Walter J Cox

Allan Monello

Steven Minunni

Andrew Gross

ATAS International

Rodney and Amy

David Srokose and Christina Campbell

The Cox Family

The Scarinzi Family

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Walter lost a long battle with Alzheimer's on 1/11/21. He had a fulfilling life with his wife, Patricia who passed in 2007. They travelled the world and loved Las Vegas where they eventually moved. Walter has two sons, Kevin and Joe, grandchildren, Ashley, Justine, Joey, and Dominic, and great-granddaughter - Genieva. Walter thought the sun rose around his grandchildren and they were God's gift to the world - because they are. Walters last months were spent in a care facility. His mind unable to hold onto memories, facts, or reality. He did remember his son's, he still lit up to see a familiar face, and did a little jig, just two days before passing, when we played Sinatra in his room. It broke our hearts to watch this strong, vital, man and mind deteriorate so quickly and severely. We are grateful to God for the gift of this wonderful man and grateful he has gone home to be with the love of his life. Walter is at Peace.

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