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Total Gifts:

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Jordan Kavanaugh's tribute page:

Bob Fry Tribute

Total Number of Gifts: 27
Total Value of Gifts: $1,570.00

Recent Donors

Victoria Coraglio


The Arnolds Family


Your ALZ Sisters

Chris & Claudine Carlson

Jessica Pasta/CareVet

Jim Archer, Kari Schmidt, Cindy Condotti, John Oyer & Mark Langford from Elanco Animal Health

Jennifer Burdick


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Bob Fry was a kind, compassionate, wonderful man. He never had a bad thing to say about anyone, was so easy going and would give you the shirt off his back. This year took a toll on him and his body couldn't take any more. We are thankful he is no longer battling this terrible disease, but there won't be a day that goes by that we won't miss him. He was truly one of the best and we were beyond lucky to have him as our Dad.

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