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Total Gifts:

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Cathy Piedimonte's tribute page:

In Memory of Dorothy M. Piedimonte

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $500.00

Recent Donors


Piedimonte/Paillot family

Michael Parker

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

Alzheimer's Disease robbed me of some of the best memories of my life and there were many! I raised 5 well-loved children who would often gather and we would all laugh for hours! I didn't remember the travels, friends and relatives but I always remembered being loved.
I escaped the worst part of the disease just in time to leave with dignity celebrating the love of my family. I've gone on to be with the other ones I've loved and loved me over the years with a new body and mind. Please always remember how love can sustain us.

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