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Amy Odom's tribute page:

Deborah Denton Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

My mother was born in 1952. In 2003, they found out my mother had Early Onset Alzheimers. She is so young to be going through this. She is a wonderful Mother! When we were kids(3 of us)she worked fulltime, went to college and took care of us kids. She worked so hard for everything she had. She majored in Psychology, but she never got to work in the field. All this happened while she was in her last year for her Master's Degree. She is in the last stage of Alzheimer's and Atrophy has set in really bad. No family should lose someone so special to them, especially slowly.

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Your Daughter, Amy
Thu, Jan 15, 2009
Mom, I love you and miss the times we had with each other. It tears me apart to see you like this. I wish a cure was a blink away. I will always remember and cherish the memories we had. XOXOXO

Ericka Jenkins
Thu, Jan 15, 2009
Debbie, you have always been such a sweet and giving person...we all love ya and you and your family are in our Prayers :)

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