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Wendy Einspar's tribute page:

Robert J. Lynch

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $150.00

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Kevin Lynch

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Robert James Lynch, a consummate class act and true gentleman, passed away on May 9, 2020. Born on May 19, 1932, in Detroit, MI to Francis and Cecile Lynch, Robert is preceded in death by his sister, Lois Vincent, as well as his former wife, cherished friend, and mother to his children, Jeannine Lynch. He is survived by his brother Dennis Lynch.

Robert was a supportive and loving father to his six children: Kathleen Parisi (Chuck Parisi), Timothy Lynch (Vera Lynch), Kevin Lynch (Nancy Badegain-Lynch), Brian Lynch, Wendy Einspar (Willard Einspar), and Colleen Loomis. He was a proud grandfather to Caitlin, Jack, and Robby Parisi; Brittany Lynch; Christopher and Nicole Lynch; Chloe, Will, and Gunner Einspar; and Declan and Jet Loomis.

Robert was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in February 2019. He lived at Auberge of Naperville the last year of his life where he enjoyed the staff and residents alike. Robert had a sharp sense of humor and a quick wit. He loved to make others laugh, but he could also be earnest and was a trusted confidant and advisor on matters of the heart. He brightened the lives of those around him with his radiant smile, genuine gratitude for the little things, and his unique ability to notice a person's strengths and express them with admiration. He believed deeply in the pursuit of one's dreams and was ever encouraging. You always left a conversation with Robert feeling better about yourself and with greater hope for life itself. His parting words in conversation were often, "Keep a smile on your face and a rainbow in your heart." To his dear friends and loved ones, this is the greatest gift he has left with us--a smile on our face for our fond memories and a rainbow in our heart for all that he revealed about the joy and beauty in life.

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