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Charone Lesher's tribute page:

Marjorie "Jean" Anderson

Total Number of Gifts: 4
Total Value of Gifts: $360.00

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Jack and Linda Busby

Tony Martin & Morgan McCabe

Bill and Julie Garl

Julie and Dennis

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Jean, a retired registered nurse, was diagnosed in 2015 with Mild Cognitive Impairment. She had a brief trial with the medications that were available at the time, but chose not to endure the side-effects. By 2016, she was identified as having Moderate Cognitive Impairment. For a few years, she lived in her home with her husband, Myrneth, as caretaker. When it became impossible for him to care for her at home, she entered Bridge to Rediscovery at Five Star Residences of Noblesville in Noblesville, Indiana. While there, Jean was contented and thrived despite her dementia with the daily activities available to her. Staff often reported that the "nurse" inside her was evident in the care she showed for other residents.

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