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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Jeanny Reiter's tribute page:

Feng Yung Yeh Liu

Total Number of Gifts: 8
Total Value of Gifts: $685.00

Recent Donors

Edward & Ita Schauer

The Wongs

Melissa, Phillip, Ava and Ani Kim


Sherri Danton

Stanislav Vasilev



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In May 2013, Feng Yung Yeh Liu 's husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The news was devastating to her and her whole family, but that did not stop her to become his full time caregiver. She dedicated herself to his well-being until her very last breath.
In honor of Feng Yung's hard work and to all of the caregivers out there, please be a part of the fight against this disease and support this great foundation.

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