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Laura Edmondson's tribute page:

Jerold Edmondson

Total Number of Gifts: 24
Total Value of Gifts: $2,460.00

Recent Donors

Al Whiting

Julia Chang

Jeff and Naoko Witzel

Pete Smith and Melissa Miner

Cecilia Garcia-Blizzard

Wayne and Betsy Borsuk

Faculty and Staff of the Department of Linguistics and TESOL

A. Raymond Elliott

Martha Johnson

Jentrify Rx

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After five long years of battling Alzheimer's, Jerold (Jerry) Alan Edmondson, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, professor, and US Navy veteran, passed away peacefully on August 26, 2023. Jerry touched the lives of many throughout his journey and leaves behind a legacy of love, kindness, and intellectual curiosity.

Jerry dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and education. After proudly serving in the US Navy as a Lieutenant Junior Grade, he pursued his passion for linguistics, achieving a distinguished career as a professor in the field. His expertise and enthusiasm inspired countless students throughout the years, shaping their understanding of language and culture.

He will forever be remembered as a gentle soul, a brilliant mind, and a beacon of love and inspiration. His undeniable passion for knowledge, his unwavering devotion to his family, and his unwavering kindness towards others will remain etched in the hearts of all who had the privilege of crossing paths with him.

Year after year, Jerry slowly started to forget more things - names, dates, how to drive or cook a meal. It eventually progressed to the point where basic functions such as eating and drinking required assistance. Through all of that, even up until the end, he still remembered the names of his grandchildren and would pick himself up the best he could just to play with them when they visited.

To watch someone slowly lose themselves to this devastating disease is absolutely heartbreaking to endure. In a perfect world, Alzheimer's wouldn't exist, but for now - please consider a small donation to help those who continue to help fight it as well as support those affected by it.

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