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Total Gifts:

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David Lewis's tribute page:

Susan S. Lewis

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 22
Total Value of Gifts: $3,932.60

Recent Donors

David & Mary Ellen Dinwoodey

Janet and Nancy Lewis

Alan and Susan Geolot

Jim and Alicia Bendernagel

George Jones and Loretta Pleasant-Jones

Nicholas- Horodinca Family

Tom Smith and Sally McDade

Carole A. Joseph

Susan Riecken

Mrs. Lydia Almon Hornbaker

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After an active and accomplished life centered on family and friends, Susan began experiencing memory issues in 2014. At the beginning, this was merely an inconvenience, but it marked the beginning of a slow decline that eventually led to her passing nearly eight years later. She was able to lead the semblance of a normal life for several years, shared with her loving family - husband David, daughter Annie and granddaughter Emma. As the disease progressed, however, and day-to-day life became difficult for all concerned, she moved to a memory care facility in 2021, where she was beloved by all those who cared for her. Even at the end, she was able to recognize those near to her and always had a big smile upon seeing them. But as her cognitive abilities declined, the burden on her body became too great and on December 7, 2022, she peacefully passed away.

Alzheimer's is a devastating disease. It afflicted both Susan and her mother, and had a profound impact on all around them. Hopefully a cure can be found soon.

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