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Total Gifts:

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Kathryn Dole's tribute page:

In Memory of Dick Beavers

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $500.00

Recent Donors

Steven Lagowski & family

The Johnson Family

Linda Ferguson-Cox


E-470 Public Highway Authority

Kellie Kane

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My dad, Dick Beavers, passed away on December 1, 2022 from Alzheimer's.

Dad lived every day in the present and lived life to the fullest. He was so active - running, hiking, mountain climbing, biking. His energy, laughter, sense of humor and his love for life and others were felt by those who knew him.

It has been hard to watch this disease gradually take my dad. Hard to watch him become more confused and disoriented. Hard to watch it affect his day-to-day memories and the ability to speak and walk towards the end.

When I would visit him in Memory Care, I wondered what time period he in was at that moment and who and what he remembered. I am blessed to know that even though he didn't remember everything, he always remembered me.

So, if you would like to honor my dad and help to fight Alzheimer's, please consider making a donation in memory of him.

Thank you,

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