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Kristina Afonso's tribute page:

Frank Stompanato

Dad relaxing, with a great big smile.

Dad relaxing, with a great big smile.

Total Number of Gifts: 18
Total Value of Gifts: $1,290.00

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Guidinger Family

Curt & Tiana Beyer

Mina Shams


Catherine Rose

Grace Moreira

Mary Kay Lundberg

Max Llanos


Kurz Transfer Products

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My Dad

How do I describe my dad....quick witted, great storyteller, and a wonderful dad!

My dad loved spending Saturday mornings doing the lawn. If he could, he would have clipped each blade with scissors. The funny thing about it, the lawn was only to look at, not to be stepped or played on. He always had the best lawn in the neighborhood. Neighbors would ask him what he used, and he said a "family secret." My dad would take the fertilizer, remove it from the bag, and put it in an unlabeled bag. This always made me laugh.

He told the best stories about his life. He was born to be an entertainer! He loved Frank Sinatra and could belt out "My Way" with no problem. This song truly summed up my dad's life....

"I've lived a life that's full,
I traveled each and every highway,
And more, much more than this, I did it my way."

I love you Poppy!

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Mike Wathen
Wed, Nov 09, 2011
So long Frank....I'll see you soon. I still wear the hockey jersey you gave me with pride. Put in a good work for me will ya? - Mike Wathen

Sandra Martinez
Wed, Nov 09, 2011
Kristina & Family,
I am very sorry for your loss. From what you told us, Mr. Frank Stompanato seemed like a great man and I am sorry that he was taken from your lives but I am glad to hear that he was able to meet little Eli.
My best,

Dee and Flory DeVoe
Wed, Nov 09, 2011
Frank was a wonderful addition to our family when he married Evelyne. He was full of life,laughter and a terrific storyteller. At family gatherings he was the center of attention and our primary source of entertainment. His positive outlook on life was an inspiration to all of us. Flory loved his charming smile that was so disarming to all who were in his presence. We will have these fond memories
for the rest of our lives. Thank you Kristina for the beautiful eulogy to your dad.
With love,
Aunt Flory and Uncle Dee.

Melissa Cooney
Wed, Nov 09, 2011
I only had an opportunity to meet him twice, but both times were memorable. He seemed like such a lovely man and I only wish I had met him years before. My condolences to you all.

John and Mary Delaney
Wed, Nov 09, 2011
Frank was such a charming guy. How nice that you were by his side in his final moments.
We're so sorry for your loss.

Mina Shams
Tue, Nov 08, 2011
I never met your dad, however when you talked about him you always had this calming voice and a smile on your face. He will always have a special place in my heart!

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