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Total Gifts:

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Carl Katzeff's tribute page:

Louise A. Katzeff

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $820.00

Recent Donors

Carl Katzeff

Laurie, Alan, Samantha & Madeline Fried

Paula, Jim, Nick & Natalie O'Brien

Carl, Susan & Michael

Michele Kudisch and Libby Menders

Lisa Scannell & David Carlon

Steven and Nina Kornstein

Debra & Arthur Bennett

Peg Palmer

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A Woman of Many Talents

Louise Katzeff was an independent and very lively woman. Mom to Paul, Carl and Anne Katzeff, and Grandmother to Michael Katzeff. Later, she added the additional roles of "Mom" and friend to Janet, Susan and Peggy.

Like many other victims, Louise's dementia developed over a period of years. At first she was forgetful about details or maybe how to get somewhere. It was the type of thing many of us ignore and attribute to aging. She began to rely on her spouse, family or other care takers more and more over the past three years.

It was hard to witness her frustration when she knew the answer or word she was searching for, but just couldn't find it.

The progression began to accelerate this past year. More rapidly than you might imagine, affecting motor functions. Maybe her walking would become more fragile. You know, harder to get out of a chair, or walk up stairs. It continued to accelerate, making her unable to feed herself, brush her teeth or walk to a garden or a dining area. These last several months she was unable to perform any daily living tasks on her own. Even sitting up was hard for her.

For us, watching our mom change so rapidly was difficult. We knew this one-time piano playing fun-loving person was disappearing before our eyes. There is no cure, no slowing it down or knowing what will happen next.

We had each other and reached out to resources we knew too. Please think about giving to the Alzheimer's Association so other families can get the support they need. Help support professionals who work to find effective treatments and a cure for Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Guest Book

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lynne bearman
Mon, Oct 22, 2012
Louise - I will never forget your laughter and your love of children and all the wonderful times we all had together growing up in our large extended family. You had to be a wonderful mother -- because your children loved you so and treated you with such respect. I know you were so proud of them and of Michael. To the ocean, and the wonderful times we spent driving in the car to get to Nantasket ---love you always - lynne

Libbie R. Saslaw
Tue, Oct 16, 2012
About my dear cousin Louise, we grew up together and I will love her and miss her forever.

Libbie R. Saslaw
Tue, Oct 16, 2012
About my dearcousin Louise,

About my dear cousin Louise, we grew up together and I will love her and miss her forever.

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