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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Irene, Vilma and Walter Stoss's tribute page:

Charlotte Stoss Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 14
Total Value of Gifts: $1,425.00

Recent Donors

Bill Zucker


Tom Keller - Nokia

Patrick Houghton

The Hartzell Family

Wendy Deary

Frank & Carmen

Amy Gauthier

Nokia Colleague


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This is in memory of Charlotte Stoss who fought the good fight against dementia for many, many years. She passed away August 5th, 2018 exactly 2 mo. shy of her 90th birthday. She maintained her sense of humor throughout the years this disease took a progressive toll on her memory, impacting not only her but those around her.

The Alzheimer's Association was there when we needed help and assistance. With this fund we hope to support the advancement of research and help provide care and support for all affected. We thank all those who cared and supported Charlotte and her family.

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