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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Julius Farinhas's tribute page:

Jules Farinhas

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 17
Total Value of Gifts: $1,346.00

Recent Donors

Laurie and Jack

Kristian Dominguez

Mark and Myrna Mason

Love and prayers, Michael & Carol Manzella

John and Nancy Flathe

GPADA-John, Jill & Carla

Barbara Bilger

Mr. & Mrs. Ilana & Mel Mordoh

Mariann Tischler

Wil-King Familu

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My father Jules passed 1/3/2019 after a long fought battle with Alzheimer's Disease. His mother Catherine was taken by this horrible disease as well.
I have made it our mission to do whatever we can to help find the cure.
The Alzheimer's Association provides tremendous assistance to families, including ours during the difficult time of navigating the ever changing face of this horrible disease.

Please give what you can. Every dollar donated is a dollar closer to our goal to end Alzheimer's in our time!

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