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Christian Sy's tribute page:

Betty Lee

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $276.00

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Ian Sy June Donations

Chris Lee

Ian Sy

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My grandfather passed away recently, just two weeks ago. I would say he died of a broken heart.

He's been sick, but surviving for a very long time. But, I really felt he'd pass away after we told him that his wife of 70 years had also just died.

My grandmother had been suffering from Alzheimer's for the past 20 years. I want to honor her love for our family, her struggles, and the eternal bond that she shared with my grandfather. I also know that Alzheimer's affected her sister, and mother before her. Now, my mother and sister face it ahead for themselves.

I hope that the future is brighter for all people who live with Alzheimer's!

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