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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Linda Griffin's tribute page:

Norma A. Corl Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $670.00

Recent Donors

Olga, Carolyn and Melinda

Lisa Besack & Mike Mauro

Mrs. Linda Ann Griffin

Cara Noland

Joe & Kristine Mauro

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

Our mother, Norma A. Corl, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 93. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease that steals loved ones from their families piece by piece day after day. It starts by subtly stealing memories and, before you even understand what's happening, all that's left is a shell of the person you once knew with a glimmer here and there of the personality you knew and loved. Then, the physical attack begins. Then... nothing.
Please join us in the fight against Alzheimer's by making a charitable donation in memory of our beloved mother.

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