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Total Gifts:

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Teresa Zoito's tribute page:

Billy Freeman Fund

Photo Pages

Fund Photo Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $280.00

Recent Donors

Dawn & Scott Craven

Jim Freeman

Mary Sherbinsky


Teresa Zoito

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To a Father and Mother who have always done what was necessary to take care of their family, thru good times and bad. To a father who did whatever job necessary to put food on the table and a mother who took care to make sure every dollar went as far as it could and to make our house a home. To my mothers dreams of retirement to the reality of taking care of a man with alzheimers. In their own unique way they both continue to never give up. Please give anything you can, prayers, cash, time, to help fight this disease and the people it affects. We hope a cure will come in time for them to both be able to enjoy what is left of their retirement. Thank you.

Guest Book

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Diana Coleman
Thu, Jun 25, 2009
Through the years there are so many wonderful memories of Uncle Bill. He first came into our lives when he took my Aunt Georgia away from least I thought he was taking her away. After their wedding I sat on the front steps of our house and was so mad that Aunt Georgia was leaving us--she was more than an Aunt since she lived with us for a while...she was more like a sister. I came to realize how special Uncle Bill really is when he would be so excited to have us come visit in Indiana. I remember the sheep and the wonderful farm house with all the bedrooms and all the joy, love and fun it was filled with. Now I must admit, that both Aunt Georgia and Uncle Bill were both very blessed to find each other. Their children are also so very special to us as well. There is certainly a gift that Aunt Georgia and Uncle Bill have that is now reflected in their children and all their friends and family. I love you all so very much, and will keep all our memories dear.

Sandy Carter
Sun, Mar 29, 2009
This is my Aunt and Uncle
They always have been there for me
You are always in my prayers
I love you both

Mon, Mar 23, 2009

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