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Total Gifts:

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Sandy Tamiesie's tribute page:

The Gallaher and Tamiesie Families Tribute Fund

Gary and the little guy

Gary and the little guy

Total Number of Gifts: 25
Total Value of Gifts: $2,405.00

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In memory and honor of what would have been Sandy & Gary's 15th wedding anniversary. Love, Sue








In memory of Caby & the good times he shared with Gary & Sandy

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With grace and dignity...

This tribute is in honor of my life loving husband who has early onset Alz.; also in honor of his parents and my beloved father and his brothers all of whom were afflicted with this sad disease. Gary is approaching his challenges with an incredible optimism and a liberal dose of humor. His ability to live in the moment has always been inspirational and now that we are truly needing to live day by day I am so blessed to have him as my guide. I am honored to see him through his memory loss journey, and as a good friend once said: if this were happening to me, I would just want to know that I was loved. Gary, I love you deeply and completely. Those who preceded him, on both sides of the family, also are to be commended on their grace and dignity displayed - with my father, Les as an extraordinary example of taking care of everyone else until he no longer could. I will always remember Dad saying in a rare lucid moment when he met Gary in 2000: "I like your man!" Me too, Dad, me too.

Guest Book

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Sat, Nov 14, 2020
Today would be our Beloved Gary's 74th birthday. The donation is in memory of deep, abiding love Gary and Sandy continue to share. Dearest Big Guy, your warm smile, wonderful laugh and kind heart are missed every day.

Fri, Nov 06, 2015
In memory of our beloved Gary, who went home to God in February. November 14 would have been his 69th birthday.

Sun, Mar 08, 2015
In memory of our beloved Gary and of the love, joy and laughter he shared with Sandy and the rest of the Tamiesie clan. We miss him every day and every day we are filled with peace knowing he is Home.

Wed, Dec 17, 2014
This is a Christmas gift to Sandy and Gary. I wish them many blessings and the gift of peace this Christmas Season.

Wed, Nov 12, 2014
A gift in honor of Gary's birthday and the ongoing love he and Sandy continue to share. With love and prayers, Sue

Sat, Dec 14, 2013
Christmas prayers and blessing to our beloved Gary and to Sandy, his true love.

Sat, Jun 18, 2011
In memory of my wonderful Dad, Les Tamiesie and in honor of my courageous brother-in-law, Gary and his amazing wife, Sandy.

Fri, Apr 01, 2011
The little gift is in honour of your new home where love and care will always be in abundance. Love you both so much, Sue

Fri, Dec 10, 2010
Merry Christmas, Sam and Gary, this gift is in honor of the amazing love and courage you both share. You are my role models and I love you both dearly.

Love, Sue
Mon, Nov 09, 2009
Happy Birthday, Gary. This little gift is in honor of your humor, your dignity and your amazing spirit.

Jenelle (Gallaher) Huber
Fri, Jun 19, 2009
Happy Father's Day Dad! As I grew up you were always there for me, especially when things needed fixing. Even if you didn't know how to fix it, you were an expert at making up something and looking like you knew what you were doing. The hardest part of this disease for me is that I can't repay the favor, I can't fix it for you. Hopefully this donation in your honor will help find a fix, if not now for generations to come. I love you and am proud to call you my dad. With love, Jenelle, Jeff, Payton, Maddox, and Riley Huber

Chad Gallaher
Thu, Jun 18, 2009
Happy Father's day, Pops! I love you and look forward to our lunches. But you buy from now on! I will not be able to come out for Father's day weekend but will be thinking of you. The number one thing I will remember about you forever and always is that you were ALWAYS there for me, especially when I didn't want you to be. As a father now myself, I know how difficult that can be. I will strive to be better at being here for you, even when that's not physically possible, at least we can talk on the phone and to continue to make the effort to get together for our lunches. Love always, Chad, Teresa, Alex and Hayley

Kara Gallaher
Mon, May 04, 2009
I am blessed to know Uncle Gary. Before I ever met him, Ryan told me that I would get along great with his Uncle. Indeed, Ryan was right. We hit it off from the minute we were introduced some 13 years ago. I am grateful to hear of Uncle Gary's continued optimism as he gives me inspiration to move forward. We are counting the days until we can be out there, this summer, to soak in the memories of days gone by with Ryan and Uncle Gary. We will look forward to making new deposits into our memory bank. I am grateful to be part of the family.
Love, Kara

Nancy and Alan MacLean
Wed, Apr 22, 2009
Gary and Sandy are special people and we wish them much more happiness as they meet each day's challenges. We think of them often and hope that they know they can count on us as the days progress.

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