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Total Gifts:

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David Starkey's tribute page:

Alzheimer's association

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $125.00

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Dr. David Nathan Starkey

David N Starkey Opens new window.David N Starkey

I am just honored to be a part of this great and historic event to contribute and help Illuminate the way for research and awareness and cure Alzheimer's disease. This has been a research and life long goal of mine also from Berkeley, Ca. to here in Fayetteville, Ar. May the Illumination shine before all mankind so bright that it will put out the shadows of darkness...David N. Starkey.

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Thu, Mar 19, 2009
Praying for a cure for Alzheimer's

Esther Sternberg
Wed, Mar 18, 2009
My mom is in her last stage of ALzheimer's. She is dying, my sister, my brother and I watch her die from starvation. It is the most painful part of the journey that we are going through with our beautiful mother. We love her, and I wish that we could find a cure for this horrible disease. The Alzheirmer's organization has been very helpful to us in this difficult journey. On many ocassions we spoke to the volunteer's and they were very very helpful. We could not get through without them. They led us lovingly and knew how painful it was for us. I know that if my mom knew that she is starving herself, she would have been shocked. To watch her push away a spoonful of soup or cup of juice is beyound our comprehension. How she goes on, how long will she sustain herself on drink of water? Maybe, just maybe with all our voices we can help the next victims of this disease to get better. And maybe one day this disease will be nothing but history. Amen.

Cecilia Fajardo
Wed, Mar 18, 2009
in honor of Gracielo Garcia, CesarCepeda

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