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Lou Anne Nichols's tribute page:

H.B. Blake

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $135.00

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Ms. Louise A Lynch

Ms. Lou Anne Nichols

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My Dad, H.B. Blake, lost his life to Alzheimer's in 2006.

Lou Anne Nichols

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Mon, Aug 03, 2015

M Gordon
Wed, Jan 05, 2011
My heart goes out to all that have been touched by this horrible disease. My mother has been in the grips of this for nearly 9 years now. If it weren't for an early diagnosis and the wonderful medicines today, who knows what the situation would be like. I tell my father all the time, it could be so much worse. My parents raised 9 children and in their retirement years they should be enjoying their time together, instead my father worries and frets all the time. I know our situation is far better than most because there is so much support for my parents but it doesn't make the disease any more bearable. Bless each and everyone of you who finds themselves in a caregivers role.

Linda Gurrola
Fri, Dec 04, 2009
I just lost my mom on November 16th of this year. My loss and hurt are unspeakable. The indignity that this wonderful woman had to go through because of this horrible disease was just wrong. We need to find a way to cure this and to help those in the family who are genetically linked and will probably have it later in their lives.
Mom, I know that you are with Jesus and I will see you again but until that time I miss you more that words can say.

Patricia A Zglinski
Tue, Apr 07, 2009
My Mother has Alzheimers. She lives with me.
I watch her lose a piece of herself every day. My heart is broken.

Mon, Mar 23, 2009
I lost my mother to Alzheimer's in 2005, the pain still wells inside of me and I know that there has to be some type of relief that can come about to relieve the families and the patients who are taken over by this disease. Keep marching on and NEVER GIVE UP is what my mother Lois Robinson would say to me and so therefore, I will keep up the fight in her name.

Cindy Johnston
Mon, Mar 23, 2009
I lost my mom to Alzheimers April 1, 2007.

Melva Menchaca
Fri, Mar 20, 2009
My mom was the BEST ever,she always knew who I was, so don't lose faith. Alzheimer's tries to rob you of your loved one--stay strong and live it to the fullest without regrets--do all that you can while you have the chance. "God bless you all"

Laura Holt
Wed, Mar 18, 2009
My dear sweet mother, Marguerite Holt, has alzheimer but she still MOM, my best friend!

Bev Pierce
Tue, Mar 17, 2009
My mother, Eva Towe, is struggling with Alzheimer's Disease.

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