Alzheimer's Advocacy in

The Alzheimer's Association, Alabama Chapter is advocating on behalf of those living with Alzheimer's disease and dementia in our area.

Take Action! Become an Advocate

Addressing the Alzheimer’s crisis is as much a matter of public policy as scientific discovery, and we need your help to change the future of this devastating disease. As an advocate, you will be invited to engage public officials and policymakers in a variety of ways, urging their support for critical Alzheimer's legislation and policy changes.

Become a part of our advocate community today.

Current Action Alerts



Federal Policy

Alzheimer's is a devastating disease that cannot be ignored by federal policymakers. Our goal is to see that the federal government takes bold action now to confront this growing crisis. Urge your elected officials to enact public policies that provide better health and long-term coverage to ensure high-quality, cost-effective care for the millions of people who face this disease every day. Learn more

State Policy

State governments are increasingly on the front lines in addressing health issues facing America. As a result, every state must tackle Alzheimer's not only as an aging issue but also as a public health crisis. Alzheimer's Association chapters across the nation work with state officials to determine regulatory and statutory standards for dementia training, provide access to respite care, designate spending for state long-term care services, control Medicaid spending, and in a variety of other ways to provide care and support for those facing this dreaded disease. Learn more

Upcoming Events


Chapter Contact(s)

Chapter Headquarters
Alabama Chapter
1 Metroplex Drive, Suite 230
Birmingham, AL 35209
Phone 205.379.8065