Your gift will support The Judy Fund and further the mission of the Alzheimer's Association.
Next, you may donate in memory/honor of someone by completing the honoree information below.
In Memory Of: honors an individual who has passed awayIn Honor Of: marks a special occasion for a friend or family member
Please specify name of individual you would like to honor or memorialize.
If you would like us to notify someone of this gift, please provide full name and address for the individual that you want to be notified.
Enter text message that you would like the individual to receive (e.g. "In memory of Judy Gelfand.").
Enter name(s) of donor(s) you wish notify party to see (e.g. "Mr. & Mrs. John Smith and Family").
To donate by mail, please make your check out to the Alzheimer's Association with "The Judy Fund" written in the memo line and send to:
Alzheimer’s Association Attn: Madison Kirby 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601