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2022 Vermont Advocacy Day

9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Capitol Plaza, 100 State Street, Montpelier
2018 VT Advocacy Day at Statehouse

Please join us for Alzheimer’s Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Due to space restrictions caused by COVID, advocates will be gathering at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier for a day of advocacy in action. Legislators will join us for lunch, which will include a panel discussion and some special recognitions. Together we will witness the passage of a House concurrent resolution designating Wednesday, April 27, 2022 as Alzheimer’s Awareness Day at the Statehouse. Virtual participation is also welcome.

Tentative Agenda

9:30 Advocates arrive to Capitol Plaza – Registration, get your t-shirt, and mingle

10:00 Welcome and review Goals for the Day

10:30 Advocacy in Action – Participate in one or all of the activities below

  • Visit the Statehouse to sit in on committee or have a small group meeting with your legislator.
  • Send a postcard to your Legislator. Advocates will have suggested messaging and hand write a note on our Advocacy Day postcards. We will be bringing these to the Statehouse for delivery throughout the day.
  • Share your story. Our Advocacy Intern will lead you through the steps to make a short Gathered Voices video that we will share with our online community and policy leaders.

11:45 Lunch with Legislators and Policy leaders including a panel discussion and special recognition of our advocate and legislative champions.

1:15 House Joint Resolutions designating April 27th Alzheimer’s Awareness Day at the Statehouse. We will watch together in the Chamber or streamed to our room at the hotel.

1:45 Group Photo on Statehouse Steps

2:00-3:00 Advocacy in Action with same 3 activities as in morning session. We may have a special Student Group Breakout during this time as well.

Click here to register!

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.