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Understanding & Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Morningside of Gastonia
2755 Union Road
Gastonia, NC 28054

Understanding Alzheimer behaviors

During the middle stage of dementia, the person with the disease often starts to exhibit new behaviors that can be confusing for a caregiver. These behaviors are a form of communication, and are essential to understanding the needs of the person with dementia. 

To help caregivers decipher behaviors and determine how best to respond, the Alzheimer’s Association offers the Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior program.

By the end of the session, attendees will be able to: 

  • Identify common triggers for behaviors associated with dementia
  • Explain the process for assessing and identifying challenging behaviors
  • List strategies to address some common dementia-related behaviors

Through practical information, resources, and interviews with experts, this program will help caregivers to address the challenges of dementia-related behavior. 

1 hour presentation.

RSVP Required.  Lunch will be provided

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