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Alzheimer's Association Research Roundtable: Modifiers & Moderators of Immune/Inflammatory Mechanism
Park Hyatt Washington, Ballroom

Research Roundtable

Meeting Overview:

The role of immune and inflammatory mechanisms in the progression of Alzheimer's disease is an active area of research. Improving the general understanding of how these mechanisms influence disease pathogenesis, as well as define different patient subgroups, will ultimately improve the probability of clinical success for subjects with Alzheimer's disease.

The key objective of this meeting will be to provide a forum to discuss immune and inflammatory targets and mechanims, including how genetics plays a role in these pathways, that may be useful for definining specific "endophenotypes". The meeting will discuss issues that are current barriers to success, such as animal models and biomarkers. This meeting will allow experts in the field (academia, industry, regulators) to provide perspectives and experiences that may help pave a path for optimal development of new therapies.

Start Date: Monday, April 13, 2015
End Date:   Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.















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