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Foundations of Dementia Care
Bennington, Brattleboro, Johnson, Lyndonville, Middlebury, Newport, Randlph Center, Rutland, Springfield, St. Albans, White River Junction, Williston
Foundations of Dementia Care is a full day conference designed for the professional paid caregiver Continuing Education credits are available.
Topics to include:
Learning to Lead provides tools for creating an environment of learning that will reinforce lessons learned in the classroom.
About Dementia provides participants with a definition of dementia and its impact on a persons ability to function.
Improving Communications and making connections provides strategies for positive and meaningful interactions.
Understanding Behavior with a focus on wandering and pain recognition/reduction.
Enhancing Mealtimes teaches caregivers the importance of proper nutrition and approaches for challenging mealtime situations.
End of Life Care provides insight into the final stage of lief, including how to prepare for it, how to recognize it and how to provide support to those experiencing it and their caregivers.