Women Conquer ALZ
Alzheimer’s disease is a women’s issue. Women are at the epicenter of the Alzheimer’s crisis. Not only are they more likely than men to be caregivers, women are also more likely to develop the disease. About 13 million American women are either living with Alzheimer’s or caring for someone who has it. In September, leading into National Women's Health & Fitness Day, the Alzheimer's Association Desert Southwest Chapter will host a statewide event to shine a light on how Alzheimer's disease and dementia effect women. This engaging, 90-minute virtual event will feature Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton, leading neuroscientist in the field of Alzheimer's disease, the aging female brain and regenerative therapeutics. Dr. Brinton is one of six international researchers awarded $1 million, two-year grants by the Alzheimer’s Association. The event will also feature stories of women of all ages, whether they are living with Alzheimer's or providing care to a loved one. Alzheimer's Association constituents, women of influence and community leaders are encouraged to participate. Regional Breakout Sessions:
Here is the zoom link to join:
Wednesday, September 23, 2020