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Ride 2 Remember

Start Date:
End Date:
Vallejo, CA to Washington, D.C.


This is a bicycle ride across the country. It takes place in 40 stages, over 45 days. It will start in Vallejo, CA and finish in Washington, DC. In all, it covers just over 3,500 miles. I will be riding the entire distance and hope to have company. Please join me!


The notion for this event comes from my frustration at being more than 2,000 miles away from my mother who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I cannot be there to help with her care on a regular basis and will have to rely on others. It struck me, as I was commuting 20 miles to work on a nearly daily basis, that perhaps a ride across the country could raise funds to benefit both Alzheimer's Research and increase the availability of care for those suffering.

Who am I?

My name is Jon Haveman. I am an independent economist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am, more importantly, an avid cyclist. I have for several years during my tenure here commuted 20 or so miles into San Francisco for work. I have ridden a variety of organized rides in the area. I have also completed IronMan (Wisconsin - not Hawaii).


The goal is simple: Raise $100,000 for research and care for existing Alzheimer’s patients. Perhaps raise some awareness of the issue along the way.

Ride With Me!

Although this is not a formal ride in the sense of having a registration fee and a formal entry form, I would like to encourage other riders to join me. Join me for the whole distance, a day, two days, or a week!

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.