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GAAIN Demo & Discussion Happy Hour

4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Delta Toronto Hotel, Parkdale Rm.

You are invited to an event for the Global Alzheimer's Association Interactive Network (GAAIN) during AAIC in Toronto, Canada on Sunday, July 24th, from 4:30-5:45p.m.

Hear exciting updates and coming soon features that will transform and improve the way we exchange and interrogate data!

4:30-5:00p.m. Cocktails

5:00-5:15p.m. Presentation

5:15-5:45pm. Discussion 

Light fare will be provided

At the event's conclusion, guests will be encouraged to attend the AAIC opening reception at 6:00p.m.

Please RSVP Below

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.