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2019 Alzheimer's and Advocacy Day at Vermont Statehouse
Our Movement has a voice - and it's yours!
2019 Alzheimer's Awareness & Advocacy Day.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Let's face the facts: Vermont has the highest per capita death rate due to Alzheimer's in the United States.
Tell your representatives that we can't afford to lose another brain to Alzheimer's!
RSVP is requested for Advocacy Day.
Please use button at bottom of the page to RSVP.
9:00-9:45 am Check In
the Floor Session, please meet the Alzheimer's Association staff and
other advocates in the cafeteria. Pick up your Advocate sash, toolkit and lapel button (if you registered before April 2nd.)
10:00-10:30 pm House Floor Session
The day's Devotion to be presented by
an Alzheimer's Advocate followed by the reading of the House Resolution
proclaiming April 9th as Alzheimer's Awareness and Advocacy Day.
Following the Floor Session, advocates are invited to join us on the steps of the statehouse for a group photo.
11:30 - Noon Meeting with Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman (invitation only)
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch with Legislators
All advocates are asked to preschedule a meeting with their local representative over lunch. Advocates will be responsible for their own lunch in the State House Cafeteria.
Find your legislator here.
more information or guidance in connecting with your legislators please contact the Vermont Chapter at 802.316.3839. RSVP today for the 2019 Alzheimer's Awareness & Advocacy Day!
Hosted by the Alzheimer's Association, Vermont Chapter and the Governor’s Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD).
Find your legislators