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MO-Greater Missouri KOMU 8 Presents the Roast of Mark Fenner
Scroll Down to Purchase Your Tickets for the Roast of Mark Fenner presented by KOMU 8!
The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter and KOMU 8 announce Mark Fenner has agreed to take the hot seat at our annual “fun”draising event,
Thursday, May 25, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center.
Bob Pugh, our empathetic emcee and last year's roastee, will attempt to keep these Roasters on task: Tim Pack, Tim Boender, Rick Didier, Tony Richards.
The doors open at 5:30 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm, followed by a special video presentation, donation opportunity, and Roast.
Tickets are $100 each (open seating), or reserved tables are available for $1,000 (includes 8 tickets). We also offer Silver and Bronze sponsor packages.
For more information, call Jessie Kwatamdia, 573.443.8665.
Presenting Sponsor
Media Sponsors
Print Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
JES Holding
Shelter Insurance
Bronze Sponsors
Cripps and Simmons
John States-Dixie Construction
Proceeds benefit the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.