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Public Health Symposium 2014
Portland State University

Healthy Brains in Oregon: The Public Health / Dementia Connection

Increasingly, evidence shows that a public health approach to addressing Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias can have a significant impact in improving health, improving care, and decreasing health care costs. Alzheimer’s is a public health issue because the burden is large, the impact is major, and there are ways to intervene. Research now makes clear links between heart health and brain health. Public awareness efforts will help reduce the health impact of caregiving on families caring for a loved one. But how do we incorporate Alzheimer’s into existing public health efforts?

Join experts from OHSU, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the Oregon Public Health Division to hear about how public health professionals can help address the impact of Alzheimer’s. Share your ideas on implementing the Healthy Brain Initiative – a public health road map developed by the CDC and the Alzheimer’s Association. Help develop an Alzheimer’s Public Health Toolkit for use by local public health professionals.

Featured Speaker Dr. Joe Quinn, Professor of Neurology at OHSU

Via Webinar

Note: We are no longer accepting RSVPs through this terminal, except for those who wish to attend via webinar. If you wish to attend the symposium in person, please contact Sarah Holland at

Sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association Oregon Chapter, in partnership with:




Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Time: 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Smith Memorial Student Union - Browsing Room
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.















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