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2017 Alzheimer's Awareness & Advocacy Day
Our Movement has a voice - and it's yours!
Make your voice heard at the 2017 Alzheimer's Awareness & Advocacy Day.
Let’s rattle the rooftop at the Vermont State House with our message that we can't afford to lose another brain to Alzheimer's!
Please join us Thursday, April 6, 2017. RSVP is requested. Please click on the RSVP icon at the bottom of the page to respond.
9:30-11:30 am (in the Snelling Room at the Vermont History Museum) Legislative Meeting and Public Policy Training
Join Aline Stone, National Advocacy Senior Specialist, and Pamela Beidler, Director of Programs and Outreach from the Vermont Chapter, as we explore the role of public policy in advancing Alzheimer's research and enhancing care and support for all affected.Together we will explore the importance of building relationships with our elected officials and will discuss how to conduct successful meetings. Light continental breakfast to be provided.
11:30 am March to the State House
Join us for a photo op in front of the State House.
12:00-1:00 pm Prescheduled Lunch with Legislators Find your Legislator
All advocates are asked to preschedule a meeting with their local representative over lunch. Advocates will be responsible for their own lunch in the State House Cafeteria.
1:00-1:30 pm Join us for the House Floor Session
The day's Devotion will be presented by Alzheimer's advocate Jenna Lawrence of Franklin County followed by the reading of the House Resolution proclaiming April 6th as Alzheimer's Awareness and Advocacy Day.
1:30-3:00 pm Ambassador and Alzheimer's Congressional Team (ACT) Member Meeting
This meeting is open to all who would like to learn more about advocacy efforts on the Federal Level. Come meet our Alzheimer's Ambassadors to Senators Leahy, Sanders and Congressman Welch and learn how you can be an active player in moving the National Alzheimer's Plan forward. This meeting is tentatively scheduled for Room 10, please check with Pamela on April 6th to confirm room location.
more information or guidance in connecting with your legislators please contact
Pamela Beidler at or by phone at 802.316.3839 x 8011.
RSVP today for the 2017 Alzheimer's Awareness & Advocacy Day!
Hosted by the Alzheimer's Association, Vermont Chapter and the Governor’s Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD).
Find your legislators