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Tennessee Day On The Hill 2014 |
Join the Alzheimer's Association Mid South Chapter and our Tennessee constituents as we head to Nashville! TENNESSEE DAY ON THE HILL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Just last month, a record $122 million increase in funding for Alzheimer's disease was singed into law by President Obama because of our more than 600,000 advocates that have worked for this unrelentelessly at the Federal level. Help us make the same impact locally by serving as an Alzheimer's Association Advocate at the state level to support those affected by this horrible disease here at home. Participation cost you nothing but your time. In return, you get to be a part of changing the course of this devastating disease.
Who Should Attend? Everyone who wants to make a difference on behalf of those affected by Alzheimer's disease! Please join us as we visit our representatives. We will arrange the meetings. Transportation and Meals will also be provided. All we need is YOU! Date:
Wednesday, March 19, 2014