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Advocacy in Action - Greenville 2019
Your voice makes a difference in the fight against Alzheimer's!
Please join the Alzheimer's Association as we host two advocacy activities in your community. You are welcome to attend just one event — or both!
Coffee with Constituents
9 AM - 10:30 AM
Start your day with us as we chat with staffers who work with your elected officials. We'll discuss some of the progress that Congress has made to address Alzheimer's, and you'll have an opportunity to share how you and your family have been impacted by Alzheimer's or related dementia. Check-in begins at 8:30 AM.
Recipe for Advocacy in the Palmetto State
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Want to do more to fight Alzheimer’s and related dementia, but not sure where
to start? Join us for lunch to learn about the issues we are taking to the State House this year — and how you can help! We’ll also have a sneak preview of our upcoming State House Day, which will be on Wednesday, April 10! Lunch will be served at 11 AM.
Both activities are free to attend, but your RSVP is required by March 1. Click below to reserve your spot!
Please note that the Alzheimer's Association is a neutral, nonpartisan organization. We ask that participants limit their comments to constructive conversation about addressing Alzheimer's.
Questions? Email or call Beth Sulkowski at 864-699-0620.