Ashland Conference

8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Grace Brethren Church
1144 West Main Street
Ashland, OH 44805

View the conference brochure

Spirituality and Dementia:

Reaching Out to Persons with Memory Loss and their Families 

Rev. Tim Storms and Cheryl J. Conley, MA, LSW, will speak on reaching out to and helping families and individuals who have Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementia cope spiritually with the changes in their lives. Alzheimer’s disease diminishes a person’s ability to remember and reason, but a strong recollection of early religious experiences may be retained, and new spiritual development is possible as the disease progresses. Family caregivers also have strong spiritual responses to caring for and living with dementia.

This program will include useful insights into how dementia changes the abilities of persons with dementia to process some types of communication, while retaining others; the needs of caregivers to receive support in their own spirituality; how understanding a person’s individual beliefs must be taken into account in the helping relationship. Practical suggestions for providing supportive communications to both the person with dementia and caregivers will be shared.

Who should attend? Religious and lay ministers of any denomination, social workers, nurses, activity personnel, and other interested persons. 

8:15 - 9:00 AM
: Registration
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Program (includes one break) 

The cost of this conference is $25 and includes CEs or certificate of attendance, handouts, and light breakfast snacks.

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