High Country Family Caregiver Conference Registration
The Caregivers Education Conference focuses on providing family and professional caregivers with new, innovative information and caregiving techniques. The interactive sessions, motivational speakers, and innovative ideas focus on the many facets of Alzheimer's disease, caregiving, research, communication, life-enhancing activities and person-centered care.
8:00am: Check-in & Sponsor Visitation
8:45am: Welcome
9:00am: Keynote Speaker: Dr. Noel “Alzheimer’s disease and the other dementias: similarities,
differences and the state of the science and the art of treatment”
10:30am: Break/Sponsor Visitation
10:45am: Keynote speaker – Dr. William Klunk “Behind the Scenes: The
Development of Pittsburgh Compound-B”
11:45am: Advocacy: Speaker, Mark Bumgarner
12:15pm: Break/Sponsor Visitation
12:30pm: Lunch
1:15pm: Breakout Session A
2:15pm: Break/ Sponsor Visitation
2:30pm: Breakout Session B
pm Closing/Evaluations
pm Dismiss