Be Prepared to Assist Your Clients with Alzheimer’s Disease Early financial planning is critical because this progressive, fatal disease can wipe out a lifetime of savings.
--Sponsored by Holland & Hart--
• Warning Signs and how to spot them • Alzheimer’s by the numbers and rising costs • Proactive steps you can take today •The array of resources available at the Alzheimer’s Association
-- Panelists --
Linda Mitchell, MSW, President & CEO, provides leadership to the staff in the areas of program, development and operations, and is responsible for the overall management of the organization. Linda works closely with the Board of Directors, provides staff support to the Executive, Public Policy, Advisory Board, and Governance & Nominating Committees while serving as the primary spokesperson for the Association.
Amelia Schafer, MS, Senior Program Director has worked in long-term care as an Ombudsman and Social Services Director, and guides the direction of the Chapter’s education and physician outreach programs and coordinates the Association’s annual symposium.
C. Jean Stewart, Of Counsel, Holland & Hart has more than 35 years of experience in estates, trusts, and fiduciary litigation. She spent nearly 20 years as a tax lawyer helping clients plan and administer estates before becoming Presiding Judge of the Denver Probate Court, a position she held for 16 years. Jean has witnessed first-hand issues facing families when steps aren’t taken to plan and prepare. Bring your questions - you'll find this unforgettable session relevant and inspiring.
For questions contact Carol Miller at cmiller@alz.org. 720-635-9991
Please RSVP
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Holland & Hart - One Boulder Plaza
1800 Broadway, Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302
United States