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Fall 2018 Research Roundtable Member Registration

Start Date:
End Date:
Park Hyatt Hotel Washington, D.C.
24th & M St. NW
Washington, DC 20027

Research Roundtable

As knowledge of Alzheimer's disease progression improves, the field has recognized that it may be necessary to develop drugs for secondary prevention.  To achieve such a goal, the field needs to develop a clearer understanding of the Pre-Clinical phase of AD.  A better understanding of the earliest biological processes of this stage of AD would help to inform drug target selection.  In addition, understanding the biomarker changes that define Pre-Clinical AD will be critical for clinical trial recruitment and the establishment of new endpoints given the recent FDA draft guidance. 

In addition, learnings from pre-symptomatic phases of other diseases and current barriers to success for the development of therapeutics for this stage of AD will be addressed.  The meeting will allow experts in the field (academia, industry, regulators) to provide perspectives and experiences that may help establish a path forward for the development of new therapies in the clinically asymptomatic stage of Alzheimer's disease.

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.