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Your Health - Beaufort 2016
Join us for Your Health, a free education conference
especially for the African American community.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Technical College of the Lowcountry
MacLean Hall, Building 12
921 Ribaut Road, Beaufort
Technical College of the Lowcountry
MacLean Hall, Building 12
921 Ribaut Road, Beaufort
9:15 AM | Check-in begins
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Program
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Program
Growing evidence suggests that African Americans may be at higher risk to develop
Alzheimer’s and stroke-related dementia due to higher incidence of developing
vascular disease (including diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol).
Come hear from researchers and professionals to learn how heart health impacts brain health, as well as what we’re learning from the latest research and clinical trials. You’ll learn tips for healthy aging and more!
If you are a family caregiver for someone with dementia, complimentary sitter service is available through the Alzheimer's Association to enable you to attend. Please call 2 weeks in advance to inquire: 800-272-3900.