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Go Purple 2016
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. You and your faith community are invited to participate in the Alzheimer’s Association’s Go Purple awareness campaign.
Alzheimer’s disease is the SIXTH leading cause of death and 1 in 3 seniors will die with the disease. As a faith community, you have a pivotal role in getting your constituents connected to help and spreading hope for a future world without Alzheimer’s. Go Purple builds awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, the importance of early diagnosis, and Alzheimer’s Association’s services for family support.
Date: Month of June 2016
What: Raise awareness! Select one or more dates during the month of June to hold Go Purple activities.
To join in this awareness initiative, we ask that you:
- Select a representative who will lead the implementation of Go Purple at your faith community.
- Invite the representative to attend one of the two Open Houses to pick up a free Go Purple Resource Kit at the Alzheimer’s Association St. Louis Chapter, 9370 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132:
- Wednesday, May 4 | Between 5 – 7 p.m.
- Saturday, May 7 | Between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Additional pick up dates by request. Please contact Regina Lowe, Faith Outreach Manager at 800.272.3900 or
- Promote the awareness campaign by doing any of our suggested activities. Or, develop your own activity!
- Visit for talking points and suggested activities.
By participating in this event, your faith community can be enhanced through:
- Opportunities to learn about support for families facing Alzheimer’s disease.
- Educational resources and linkages to support services for your congregants.
- Volunteer opportunities available with the Alzheimer’s Association.
- Participating in Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds to support Alzheimer’s research and services.
Thank you for your participation! Together, we can make a difference!