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Millennial Caregiving for an Aging California
As California’s population ages, the number of people needing long-term care will soar. Many will end up in nursing homes, with high costs. The “graying of America” is creating a caregiving crisis that poses both threats to and opportunities for young adults. There is a critical need for investment in California’s eldercare workforce and family caregivers at both the federal and state level. Join the Alzheimer’s Association, American Medical Students Association CSU East Bay Chapter, and U.S. Congressman Eric Swalwell for a conversation about the caregiving crisis and how young adults are poised to be a part of the solution. Directions to CSUEB and map of the campus: Parking: $2 per hour paid to the attendant or at any kiosk. For your convenience, students will be stationed at the entrance to parking lot A to sell permits (cash required). Date:
Monday, April 24, 2017