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2015 Gala: Mardi Gras Masquerade

5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Cornhusker Hotel
333 S. 13th St.
Lincoln, NE 68508


Mardi Gras Masquerade banner

Come join us January 24, 2015 at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in downtown Lincoln for an amazing night.  This year Mardi Gras is coming to us!  The evening will feature delicious culinary creations, cocktails, Darryl White performing live Jazz, and the always popular live and silent auctions.  Tickets are $125 per person, and an additional $25 will get you into the after party.  Wear your favorite mask and take part in the best mask contest.  Tickets are now available to purchase online.  You can also purchase tickets over the phone by calling 402.420.2540 or in the office: 1500 S. 70th St., Lincoln, NE 68506

Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities for this event?   Click here to access the 2015 Lincoln Gala Sponsorship Packet.

Buy Tickets to 2015 Lincoln Gala

Caregiver Night Out at the 2015 Gala

At the Gala, five caregivers will be honored for their role in caring for their loved ones. The Alzheimer’s Association solicited nominees from healthcare professionals to give back to the families that have been affected by Alzheimer’s.  You can show your support for their fight by helping to sponsor these families by providing their ticket, at $125 per person. To sponsor an honoree, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association by email to, or by calling the office at (402) 420-2540. Donated items are also being accepted for the silent and live auction. Gifts to the Alzheimer’s Association are tax-deductible.


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