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Coffee with Caregivers: A conversation about the importance of respite funding in South Carolina
A Virtual Conversation about the Importance of the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Respite Program
In celebration of National Caregivers Month, the Alzheimer's Association is hosting a Zoom conversation on an important but often overlooked topic: giving caregivers a break.
Pour a mug of coffee and join us for a conversation about the impact of the Alzheimer's Caregiver Respite Program. We'll talk with South Carolina family members about how using an Alzheimer's Caregiver Respite voucher helped keep them on their feet.
All are welcome to attend, whether you have used respite yourself or simply support this lifeline for caregivers. If you're a current dementia caregiver in need of short-term assistance, join us to learn how to access this important program. Complimentary sitter service can be arranged to help caregivers attend, but it must be requested in advance by calling 800.272.3900.