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Howard County Captain's Dinner
Pizza Hut
Join us for the 2014 Walk to End Alzheimer's CAPTAIN'S DINNER!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 6:30-8:00 p.m. Pizza Hut 9160 State Route 108 Columbia, MD 21045
The 2014 Howard County Walk to End Alzheimer's is fast approaching so why not join us to meet your fellow Walk champions and enjoy complimentary pizza. You can register for the Walk to End Alzheimer's®, learn some new fundraising tips, pick up your Walk supplies and socialize with other Team Captains. You can get answers to all of your questions, and maybe even win some prizes!
This year's Walk, will be held Saturday, September 27, at Centennial Park. It will be the most exciting yet, with the best of Howard County joining us as we walk towards the end of Alzheimer's. Live music, local celebrities, a photobooth and the Making Memories Kids' Corner are just some of the fun things waiting for you at Centennial Park.
Start or join a team today at!
If you have questions about the happy hour or the Walk to End Alzheimer's, please contact Kisha James at 800.272.3900.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
9160 State Route 108
Junction of Route 108 and Bendix Road
Columbia, MD 21045
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