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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Anthony Coles's tribute page:

Kathleen J. Coles Tribute Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $7,500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 49
Total Value of Gifts: $7,520.00

Recent Donors

Mrs. Katie Damp-Blunden

Carolyn and Bryan Hall & family

John Stellabotte and Jennie Thompson

John Stellabotte and Jennie Thompson


William Coles

John and Claire Benfatto

Jim and Linda Simpson

Jackie Mazza

Mark & Mary Lou Hanzlik

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

In honor of the 80th birthday of our father, Buel O. Coles, Jr., and his extraordinary commitment to the care and well-being of his wife of 59 years, his children have established the Kathleen J. Coles Tribute Fund. Your donation will go to the Alzheimer's Association.

We thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness, and we are sure that our father will do the same.

Sharon and Bob Kennish, David Coles, Steve and Marianne Coles, Anthony and Kristine Coles

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