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Elizabeth Cross's tribute page:

Anne Gail Moore Cross Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 8
Total Value of Gifts: $545.00

Recent Donors

Roseline Dada

Elizabeth Anne Cross

Pamela (Stiglitz) Caico

Cynthia "Cissy" Stiglitz

Lois Elswick and Patty Coulter

Brenda and Bill Romenius

Charles and Jenn Bateman

Bill Quinn

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Anne Gail Moore Cross passed away on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 in Manassas, Virginia at the age of 77. Anne Gail was a long-time resident of Norfolk, Virginia who grew up in the historic Winona District. As a Radford College graduate and retired elementary school teacher of 49 years, she was passionate about children and teaching. Her proudest career accomplishment was teaching hundreds of children to read. She was an eternally supportive mother whose kindness, love, and dedication will never be forgotten. She is survived by her daughter, Elizabeth Anne Cross, sister Cynthia Linda "Cissy" Stiglitz, brother William Wirt "Billy" Moore III, and brother Charles Douglas "Bucky" Moore. While Alzheimer's may have taken her mind, it did not take her spirit.

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